For children who really care about our planet, endangered animals, plastic waste and the impact of beauty and fashion on the environment, everything for this party has been carefully chosen. We provide some fun quizzes, mazes and information to raise awareness for guests on recycled paper. This keeps arrivals occupied until everyone arrives.
Then begins our welcome talk with fairtrade juice and a present and a card for the Birthday girl. Guests are asked to bring a toy they no longer play with, we have fun swapping items and getting to know each other.
Guests are asked to partner up for face masks with choices of Vegan products including rose and cotton, they will learn facial techniques and learn some basic aromatherapy and plant uses.
We also ask guests to bring an item of clothing that still fits but they don't wear much any more, or a donated item of clothing, that we can jazz up. The children have so much fun with lots of patches and sew on options and create an all new outfit. The girls can also swap these or make something particularly special for the birthday girl.
Upon booking the birthday girl can then choose one of the following for her party:
♥ Biodegradable face glitter
♥ Reiki session for each guest
♥ Indian Head massage
♥ Vegan hand and arm massage
We finish with a panda or turtle pinata filled with vegan sweets.
PARTY DURATION: 2 Hours ***PARTY COST: £200 for up to 6 children £22pp thereafter***