Invitations are provided. On the day we begin with lots of pony themed colouring in and in excess of 50 different my little ponies with various accessories to play with.

Once everyone has arrived and settled we begin by adopting a hobby horse for the duration of the party and giving it a name - Buttercup, Star, Honey?
Then we make our very own ponytail ribbons, match your pony, your outfit? Your hosts will do hair ups, put plaits, french plaits or ponytails into your hair with these and they are yours to keep.
We play games like hay hunt, hot to trot, sugar cube throw and sleeping ponies. With sweets and prizes.

We have an amazing hobby horse gym khana! With obstacles and rozettes for prizes and finish with the trail ride game.
Themed goodie bags and pony glitter tattoos can be added to this party.

PARTY COST: £180 for up to 6 children and £15 thereafter
+a real pony for rides (can also be a unicorn) from £200
+a minature pony visit for fussing From £100